Hi Everyone! It’s official!! I recently made an announcement in my Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 Facebook Group. I’ve decided to move on from videos featuring the SQS 9960 specifically and move back into more garment sewing, video reviews and sharing videos on other machines. The 9960 videos will remain available on my YouTube Channel, Roxanne Stitches and also in the New Facebook Group as well. Here’s the exciting part!!! The group is Evolving!! I’ve decided to open the group up to include owners of all brands of sewing machines, not only the Singer 9960. Of course, I won’t be sharing videos on all machine brands, but my New Video Content will be more geared towards everyone. The New name of the Facebook Group will be, Roxanne Stitches Sewing Collective. Yes, this will be a group for those of you that enjoy viewing my videos on the Singer QS 9960, reading my articles on a variety of topics and are interested in my original content. I’m interested in growing my brand and want to share my content with more sewists! The collective will continue to be a safe place to share your makes and get sewing advice from it’s members. But now, we can all share on a variety of different interests and machine brands. Win Win!!
My goal has always been to share my love of sewing and inspiring others who want to grow and learn more by developing their talents. There were a few thoughts that pushed me in this direction and I wanted to share that. Just like anything new, this evolution will need tweaking as we go along to accommodate the members of our collective.
1. I’ve been using my Singer Quantum L-500 lately and my Singer QS 9960 has been sitting. I wanted to share my new garment makes on my L-500 in the group, but I didn’t because the group has been strictly geared towards only one machine. Opening the group up will allow us all to share more of what we create. By only focusing on the Singer QS 9960, it really limits our creativity and possibilities. I wanted to expand……therefore Evolve.
2. Members often acquire vintage machines and embroidery machines. I own both and would like to see more of those topics shared in the group. Since many of us own more than one machine, it makes sense to be inclusive. Many times when a member shares a project photo that has machine embroidery, people get excited. But other times, members don’t even think to share because the groups focus has been so specific. I think many of you would like to see and share more of that content as well.
3. It’s been particularly interesting with the huge influx of brand new sewists since the pandemic. More people than ever have hopped on the sewing band wagon to learn how to make masks and face coverings. It was my hope that they would enjoy sewing and now want to learn more. I’m finding this to be the case and want to bring them all into our active community. At some point, the machine that brought us all together will probably be discontinued. That’s just the reality of business. I want us to move past just one brand and learn and share about other Fabulous machines out on the market.
4. It’s important to me that I continue to grow as a creative individual. I want to share and explore more sewing techniques on more than just one sewing machine. I own several vintage machines and embroidery machines and want to share my sewing experiences with those as well. It will be another way for us to connect as a sewing collective and support one another. I’m fascinated by the attachments available for vintage machines and want to explore and share that information with my readers.
There are a couple of things that won’t change. The Sewing Collective will continue to be a positive and supportive space. Bashing of any sort will continue to be against the rules. We will continue to be a political and religious free space. Zero tolerance for spam as well. I’m a single admin and Facebook has given us tools to help us moderate our groups to help keep them spam free. I tried to include self promotion posts, but they didn’t seem to receive much interest, but I may revisit that in the future because I believe in supporting creative businesses. The policy of NOT posting about broken machines will continue as well especially now since all machine brands are welcome. Those posts are always a downer and ruin the vibe of the group. This is a positive space to feel uplifted and supported. It’s really impossible for us to play the “guessing game” as to what may be wrong with an individuals machine. If a machine is out of commission, it’s time to visit a qualified technician and get support that way.
Some of you have shown interest in my teaching garment sewing techniques. That may happen in another format to be announced later. It’s my hope that the majority of you will decide to stay on and continue to grow as our collective evolves and blossoms like a Beautiful Flower!!

You are a great teacher! I have learned a lot. I will follow your page, no matter the name.
Hi Sharon! Thanks so much for the kind comment. I’m excited about our new sewing collective sharing “all the things”!!