Hi Everyone! Yesterday, Dory, a member in the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 Fans Facebook Group, posted a question asking about if the needle can be moved to the right needle position? I went to the manual and the machine to check it out and didn’t find any information regarding this. Low and behold one of our members, Rachel had the information we all needed. She was kind enough to share with us how to move the needle to ANY position needed. I went to the machine immediately and tried it and it Worked! What an Amazing Group to be sharing and learning from one another. I quickly made a video so that all of us would have this information for the future.
I was able to find the information in the manual thanks to another member, Sonia for pointing me in the right direction. I missed it before, but since I had the simple directions for how to move the needle, I knew what to look for this time. It’s on the bottom of page #46.
If this is new information for you as it was for me, it may be very helpful. Especially to those that do quilt piecing to help achieve that perfect scant 1/4″. Keep in mind, that if you decide to move the needle out of the center needle position, you won’t be able to use the clear plastic 1/4″ foot. This foot only has a single needle hole in the center of the foot.

This was a wonderful lesson for all of us. I’m so happy that this group is so willing to share information and lend support to one another. If you OWN, USE and LOVE this machine and would like to come and join us, send me a request.

Thanks for sharing more great information about the Singer 9960. I love your fb group too.
Thank you Roxanne & Rachel for sharing this information. I'm enjoying my Quantum 9960 and being part of the Facebook group too!! I love the video series Roxanne they are such a valuable reference tool.