Hi Everyone! Happy New Year…..almost!
I have some exciting news to share. I finally started my own Facebook Group for those of us that Own, Use and LOVE the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960! Yes, after many months of thinking about it, and “gentle messages” from many of you, I finally did it! This is the perfect place to discuss the Singer 9960, ask questions and show off your 9960 makes and wears.

The group is called the “Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 Fans”. It’s a closed group so we can keep everything as private as possible which is what most people prefer. If you’re interested in joining, send me an email and I will happily send you an invitation.
Many Singer sewing machines have the same feet, functions, and features, so my video’s may be helpful to those that own other later model Singers. I didn’t want to exclude anyone, so even if you don’t have the Singer 9960 but want to participate in the group, you’re in. Especially, if you’re interested in possibly purchasing this machine. You will be able to ask questions to actual Singer 9960 owners and that will help you make your decision if this is the right machine for You.
So into 2015 we go, using technology to learn, connect and share. I will be continuing my Singer 9960 video series and possibly adding a new machine?? Wishing you ALL a Happy Healthy New Year!!

So into 2015 we go, using technology to learn, connect and share. I will be continuing my Singer 9960 video series and possibly adding a new machine?? Wishing you ALL a Happy Healthy New Year!!

I am ordering a Singer Quantum Stylist 9000 and want to purchase a flower foot. Which one should I get? Thanks,
Hi Paula! I haven’t heard about any of the brands not working well. Distinctive seems to be the most expensive at only $19.99. Not a huge amount to spend to try it out and play with. They are FUN! So many combinations and stitches to try out.