Hi Everyone! I hope you found my Perfect Gathering Secrets ~ Part 1 video helpful. I wanted to appeal to more of a beginner audience with this video because sometimes I feel they are forgotten along the way by experienced sewing creators like myself. My original focus when starting to create content for Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 owners was to appeal to the beginner sewist and help them get started successfully on the right footing without the frustration that comes with being a novice. So with that in mind, part 1 was a starting point for newer sewists to learn about what gathers actually are and learn a simple technique on how to create them. In part 2, the 2 techniques I share will be more advanced.
The first Gathering Technique I show in Part 2 has been a sewing hack for years. It’s not new, however I show how to use one of the special presser feet that came with the 9960 in the standard package. It makes this sewing operation easy peasy with no room for mistakes. The second Gathering Technique I share in Part 2 is something I learned from a sewing machine operator when I working in a garment factory years ago. I had to adapt the technique for use on a home sewing machine since I was shown on an industrial machine, but it’s a gem. Both of these techiques work well for gathering smaller areas and on long more labor intensive areas.
Thank you for taking the time to view my latest video on Perfect Gathering Secrets ~ Part 2. I hope you’ll find this information helpful when you need to add gathers to a garment or project you’re working on. These are not the only ways to add gathers and you may already have a tried and true method you love and that’s great! I firmly believe that there are many ways to accomplish any sewing task. Please share your favorite gathering technique with me. I love to learn!!