Since receiving my New Singer Quantum Stylist 9960, I’ve noticed quite a few differences other than just the cutting mechanism.  So I thought it would be helpful to do a comparison video of my Older vs Newer  Singer QS 9960’s. If you’ve had questions about the 2 machines, I hope this video will help answer those questions.

If you have a machine with a non-functional cutter, click HERE for the repair video that will guide you step by step to getting your cutter back in gear!!  After all, that IS our Favorite Feature isn’t it??

For years now, people have been asking if the Singer QS 9960 has been discontinued.  I’m happy to share that this question was posed to Singer on their Facebook page recently.  On the right is their actual response.  So rest assured Singer 9960 owners, this machine is still going strong!! 

I’ve decided to take a little hiatus from the Facebook Group for now.  As a solo group administrator, I needed some time off.  The group will be back soon!!  Thank you for being so supportive of my work and trusting me to bring you excellent content.  Until then…..stay safe and healthy!!