Opps!!  I did it again.  Hi Everyone!!  I’m sure you’re thinking…..Another machine??  Yes!!  Years ago I wrote about having SMAD, Sewing Machine Aquisition Disorder and that still holds true today.  I love them all.  Vintage ones, New ones, Computerized ones.  All. Of. Them.  Some people collect shoes, handbags, trinkets.  I collect sewing machines.  There!  I said it!!  Plus, it’s husband approved!!

Last year on Thanksgiving Day, we stopped into the shops when they were having their pre black Friday sales.  I saw this sewing machine model, the Singer C430 on the shelf and thought it looked interesting.  It was $399.00 and I really didn’t need another machine, but this one had a few features my Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 didn’t have.  Fast forward through a year in history where sewing machine sales were off the charts and I forgot all about it.  Yes, I know.  I was occupied with those two AMAZING Pfaff sewing machines…….I remember.  Well, I got an alert that this Singer was finally back in stock, so decided to check it out and share my thoughts with you!  Could it be as wonderful as the Singer 9960?  I needed to find out.  Drumroll please……The Singer c430

This machine has 2 features that the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 doesn’t.

1.  It has programmable decorative stitch & letter stitch sewing capabilities.  Many owners of the Singer 9960 have asked me over the years about programming and saving stitch configurations in the machine.  Unfortunately, the 9960 doesn’t have that feature, but this machine does!

2.  Another complaint about the 9960 is that many people sewing large projects would often accidentally press buttons on the right side as they were sewing.  On this machine, the buttons aren’t located on the right.  All the navigation and editing buttons are on the upper portion of the machine.  Up and out of the way.  I plan to do a full review of this machine and compare it’s features to the Singer Quantum Stylist 9960.  So Stay Tuned!!