Hi Everyone!  A couple of months back I took some time out to clean out my sewing studio and a drawer where I keep all of my sewing machine needle and hand sewing needles.  While organizing that menagerie of needles, straight pins, and “stuff” I found a Singer Brand Twin Needle in a 4mm size.  That was a score!  It must have come with one of my other machines long ago and I had forgotten that I had this.  I knew I had a package of Schmetz Twin Needles, a 2mm & and 4mm, but I wanted to give a demo using a Singer Brand.  Out of all the features I’ve explored on the Singer 9960, I haven’t really spent much time learning about the twin needle options.   I briefly covered it in the “needles video”,  but never really did a proper video using the twin needle with some of the decorative stitches.  So it was time to check it out and see which decorative stitches I could use with the twin needle.  In this video I show how to install the twin needle and set up the machine for sewing using the twin needle function.

This was a fun accessory to have spent time exploring on the Singer 9960 using different decorative stitches.  I tested many many stitches and not all of them looked so great.  The manual specifically states that to “Always test sew selected stitch” & that “Some stitches look better than others sewn with a Twin Needle”.  There are infinite possibilities using different stitch patterns, editing the stitches and adding contrasting thread colors.  I can see a wide variety of potential and it sorta kicked my creativity into gear a little bit.  I’m going to have to find a project to try some of these stitches out on.  I can see a pretty detailed hem on a flouncy sleeve or maybe even used to attach a trim?   What do you think??  Will you give the Twin Needle a try??  I hope so!!