Hi Everyone!  Happy April Fools Day!!  You read my title right….AND NO this is not an April Fools Day joke!  I’m going to make my first quilt!!  In my Singer 9960 Facebook group, our sewing theme for the month of April is Quilting.  Many of our members quilt and those that took our group poll clearly selected Quilting.  Last month quilting came in a very close second, so I anticipated this month’s theme and went shopping early.  I’m very lucky to have the most Amazing quilting store very close to me called StitchCraft.  The owner Johanna and her staff are the most welcoming people you can imagine.  Unfortunately with all the restrictions right now, the store is opened by appointment only and offers curbside pick up.  They also have a website.  I would love for you to check it out and support this wonderful local business in these uncertain times.  In addition to all kinds of quilting fabrics, they also carry the most high quality yarns, hand embroidery kits and notions.  Please give their Facebook Page a like too:  StitchCraft Facebook Link

My visit to StitchCraft was unusual because I was the only shopper in the store.  The store is usually a bustle of activity with chatting and shopping.  Really great energy!!  Located in Boca Raton, Florida, I received the best personalized attention from the Fabulous owner, Johanna.  She graciously helped me select fabrics to coordinate with a “beachy” center panel I selected.  When I announced that I wanted to make a King Sized Quilt, I think she thought I was nuts, but still supported my ideas.  I’m sure it’s always best to start with something small, but why not “go big” I thought!!

Here are the fabrics I selected:

I will be sharing my progress as I create this King Size monster. I had to dust off my cutting mat and pull out my rotary cutter too.  I usually use scissors, so even this is going to be a change for me.  I keep telling my group members to push their sewing boundaries, so I’m practicing what I preach with this project!!

My plan it to spend the month of April planning, cutting, and sewing this quilt top and sharing my trials as I go along.  I’m a total fish out of water with this project and have asked many questions of my friend Frank for advice.  Frank is a professional quilter and has also been very generous with sharing his expertise with me.  I’m grateful to have some guidance as I move out of my comfort zone of garment sewing into the world of quilting for a while.  Who knows, if I like it, I may stay!!  Hope you follow along.  Should be an interesting ride…..