Hi Everyone!! I’ve received many emails with great questions about Parts 1 and 2 in my Pattern Fitting Series. I thought I would take the time to answer them all here in a post before Part 3 next week. It makes me happy that so many of you have questions!! That means you’re thinking about HOW this series can work for YOU!!
Q: Why do you have us add only 1 1/2″ ease? Is that really enough?
A: I suggested this as a place for you to start with adding your personal ease. This is why I suggest you re-measure yourself with your “working measurements”. If you feel confined, add a little more. If you feel it’s too roomy, removed a little bit.
Q: Why do we need so many measurements? Will we really use all of them?
A: Measurements done correctly are your best friend. The tape measure doesn’t lie and if you rely on those measurements, you will be successful in pattern fitting. This is why I spent hours photographing and illustrating all the measurements for you.
Q: Why don’t we add ease to “vertical measurements”? Will we have enough ease to bend over? I also have a very curved back. Will that take up length?
A: It’s just not necessary to add ease to these measurements. Adding length, which is essentially what you will be doing by adding anything to your center front or center back lengths, just defeats the purpose. This will do nothing more that add extra fabric around that area. The fabric will have no choice but to pool around your waistline which is something that by fitting a pattern properly, we’re trying to avoid. In the case of a very curved back measure both with the tape measure straight and then with the tape following the curve of the back. I would suspect there to be only a small amount added to your second measurement.
Q: My waistline is a little bit lower in the front. How do I measure for this?
A: In this case, it’s important to compensate for your front waistline being lower. It may be necessary for you to lower your waistline a small amount in the back and raise your waistline in the front to help look more balanced.
Q: In another post you talked about your “Tools of the Trade”. Is it necessary for us to purchase so many tools?
A: Certainly NOT. I’m a pattern maker and these are the tools I use for working as a professional. It’s only necessary for you to have a good straight edge, tape measure, good cutting tools, paper and maybe a hip curve. Any other tools would be purely your preference to purchase. My motivation in writing this series is not for you to go out and spend money. I’ve geared this series toward the intermediate sewist/sewer that probably already owns a good amount of sewing supplies.
I’ve tried to combine questions that were asked to share the most amount of additional information with you. I hope that by answering these questions for those of you that have emailed me, it will help others that may have had similar questions. We also learn from each other and this series can only be helpful if you can apply the information as it relates to you personally. Please feel free to continue emailing and commenting with any questions. Thank you also for all the support, kind comments, pinning and repining on Pinterest and those of you that have shared my links with your Sewing Groups!! I appreciate it so much!!

I have a very shaped back so this made sense to me. thanks
Happy my information was helpful to you.
Excellent to see these questions. Thanks so much for this series. I am so appreciative.
You're Very Welcome Mary!!